• depositfile download helper


    depositfile download helper

    Name: depositfile download helper
    Category: Soft
    Published: mathodessynch1986
    Language: English
























    Everyone respects a man who has good habits. Good habits help one to succeed in life. A person with bad habits is despised and mocked at. Childhood is the right time to instill good habits in children. If a child grows up with bad habits no one can make him unlearn them when he grows up. Hence parents should be careful to see that children have only good habits. All of us have habits. Anything that is done repeatedly becomes a habit. Once we get into a habit we do a thing without thinking about it. Habits may be good or bad. Rising early, working hard, being punctual are good habits. Gambling, swearing, lying, using bad language, drinking, stealing- and quarrelling are bad habits. It is necessary to cultivate good habits and avoid bad ones. There is a saying that habits are at first cobwebs but after- wards cables. This shows that habits might be weak at first, but, once they become strong, they are difficult to break. Hence we should try to acquire only good habits. 237 Words Short Essay on habits (free to read)




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